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Riding the Wizards Bench September

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Events Of Next Summer Key News From NBA Meetings

I first noted these stories on Friday, and Ric Bucher of the Washington Post wrote a story on Saturday giving similar details. The good news is that CWebb is likely to be playing for Team USA at the World Championships during the summer 1997. Said CWebb's agent, Fallasha Erwin: "I hope that it's true because he [CWebb] was really excited. This will give him a good push into the season."

Let's hope CWebb is in good condition going into this event, because his summer isn't going to be as restful as normal next year.

The bad news is that the NBA may choose to re-open negotiations on the collective bargaining agreement next year. Both sides are talking in generalities at moment, but the verbiage suggests this is a serious issue for both sides. (It could explain, in part, the prominent profile of players represented by David Falk, one of the primary forces on the player's side behind last season's lockout, in the executive council of the player's union.) The threat again - yet another lockout. *sigh* Talk about further alienating the hand that feeds you. Haven't they learned from the example of baseball in 1994?

wtf 21 September 1997

 <== Howard Elected Vice President of NBA Player's Union Wizards In Need Of A New Radio Voice  ==>

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